ReleaseWire For Journalists

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Personalized News Alerts

ReleaseWire for Journalists personalized news alerts makes it easy for journalist, bloggers and other members of the media to receive quality press releases, based on their news gathering needs, from the thousands of businesses who rely on ReleaseWire to distribute their press releases.

Personalized news alerts allow you to define any number of matching criteria to control what news is delivered to you. You could choose from keyword matching, industry matching, location matching, dateline matching, subject matching and company matching. In addition, you can define a minimum quality score for press releases to filter out lower quality content.

Personalized news alerts can be delivered by email instantly, or a daily digest email. For instant email alerts you may choose to include the full text of the press release or a summary with a link to the online version of the press release.

Personalized news alerts are also delivered via personalized RSS news feeds that can be added to your news reader or online service.

Optionally you may choose to have press releases delivered directly to your Twitter account making it easy for you to publish relevant news to your Twitter followers.